Who is this for?
Disclaimer: SIGNATURE STRENGHTS does not intend to replicate or to substitute VIA Strengths and CliftonStrengths or any other test as all tests follow different methodologies, yet bring value in similar ways. All those tests help test takers be more aware of their own personality. SIGNATURE STRENGHTS does not dispute or diminish the value of the VIA Strengths and Clifton Strengths test and encourages test takers to go through these assessments.
In a world where we are often told to focus on improving our weaknesses, Signature Strengths flips the story

For Individuals Seeking Growth
By concentrating on the top 20 professional strengths, the SIGNATURE Strengths assessment offers a targeted approach that complements existing positive psychology frameworks, providing valuable insights into the specific attributes that contribute to professional success and personal fulfillment.
Instead of striving to be average in everything, why not excel in what you’re naturally good at!
Increase Your Overall Well-being
Leverage your strengths to cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Find Career Path Clarity
Uncover career directions that align with your natural talents.
Boost Your Confidence
Build a strong foundation of self-belief by focusing on what you do best.
Enhance Your Relationships
Enhance your connections by understanding and applying your unique strengths.

Signature Strengths is designed to help you uncover your top strengths, so you can build a life and career that aligns with who you truly are.
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List of Top 5 Strengths
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Full Strengths Sequence
Your Signature Strengths
Best Partners Recommendation
Unlimited Peers' Shared Profile
Blind Spots To Watch Out
Strengths In-Practice Insights
Strengths Coaching Session
News & Insights
Resources to help you develop your strengths
See Comparisons: CliftonStrengths, VIA Character strengths, HIGH5 tEST
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